Former China National / Province Team Player demo Forehand Flick against backspin
- 可用併步上前。
- 左腳向右腳併。
- 右腳向球台踏。
- 重心會壓向右腳。
重點 :
- 手臂和上身傾前迎向來球
- 前臂和手腕稍向右方向外展開
- 球拍要後仰一點
- 在適當距離,手腕發力。
- 在來球的高點,球拍連翻帶轉擊球。.
- Use shuffle Step to approach the ball.
- Left foot steps towards right foot.
- Right foot steps towards the table.
- Transfer the weight to your right foot.
Summary :
- Move arm forward with your body towards the ball
- Rotate your right arm and wrist to the right a bit
- Open up and lean back your bat
- At optimal distance, generate power from the wrist.
- Flip and hit the ball at the highest point of its bounce
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