2014年3月24日 星期一

前國家隊隊員 董倫教練教你正手拉下旋球 Coach Dong Lun Demo:Forehand Counter Backspin


前國家隊隊員 董倫教練 教你正手拉下旋球
Former Chinese National Team Player Dong Lun Forehand Counter Backspin Demo

  1. 引拍時,屈膝,手臂和肩膀下沉,重心下移。
  2. 向右轉腰﹐重心轉向右腳。
  3. 由腿腰帶動手發力,向前向上揮拍。
  4. 在球的下降前期擊球。
  5. 擊球時前臂大臂和手腕同時用力,向前向上磨擦並擊球。
  6. 重心轉向右腳。
  7. 擊球後,順勢帶動手於額前停下。
  8. 快速還原至預備姿勢或位置,準備下一擊球。
  1. Bend your knees. Bring your shoulder, arm and bat down to transfer your weight downward
  2. Rotate your waist. Transfer your weight to your right foot.
  3. Before hit the ball, transfer the power from your legs and waist to perform forward and upward swing of bat.
  4. Hit the ball at the early falling stage of its bounce.
  5. Use the power from your forearm, lower arm and wrist to hit / brush the ball in forward and upward direction. Transfer weight to left foot.
  6. Transfer the weight to the left foot
  7. Finishing with the bat somewhere around the forehead or higher.
  8. Quickly restore to ready position and preapare for the next attack.

嗚謝: 耀中乒乓球中心

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