2014年4月14日 星期一

Slow motion demo Backhand Flip By HK Elite player 反手翻挑下旋球教學示範


  1. 以右腳上前,當右腳落地後,重心放在右腳並且穩妥,身體要前傾
  2. 當在引板時,手肘要接近枱而且差不多是所以手部的最低處,板頭大約水平線指向左方,引板時球板的角度要後仰(多少視乎來球高度和旋轉已定) ,
  3. 觸球的部位是在球後和球底之間,觸球後手腕要立即向前翻動角度,使板形最後角度前傾,由引板到擊球的過程中要順暢,不能拖泥帶水,否則會使擊球力量不穩定,使擊球的穩定性降低,
  4. 在手部發力的方式是以前臂申直和翻動球板擊打球的方式發力,而力的方向是以下而上後向前的方式發力(但主要的力都是向前)。
  1. Right foot steps towards the table. Lean down upper body.
  2. Put elbow and hand close to the table surface. The bat handle should be nearly horizontal.
  3. Flip the bat quickly at the highest position of the bounce of ball. During the flipping, your forearm is straightened out too.
  4. Right before the flipping moment to the end of flipping of the bat (when your arm is straightened out), you should do it smoothly. E.g. Once you prepare to start flipping at that position, the motion should be conducted in a very quick way. Flipping quickly is the key point.

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